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Top >> Catalog >> Toys and Tugs >> Cat Toys

Yeowww! Apple Organic Catnip Toy 4.5"

Yeowww! Apple Organic Catnip Toy 4.5"

Yeowww! Apple Organic Catnip Toy 4.5"

All Yeowww! Brand catnip is 100% Organically Grown, making a more potent, premium blend of leaf and flowertop your kitty is certain to enjoy. Every Yeowww! toy is completely stuffed with it! They don't use any cotton fillers and certainly none of the unfiltered, 'toy grade' catnips that could be full of contaminants and sold at a much cheaper price. Yeowww! Brand catnip stands out from the rest, and your cat will know the difference.


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Add to Wishlist Yeowww! Apple Organic Catnip Toy 4.5"  $8.99 
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